About Sophie

To draw, scribble… graphics has always been part of her vocabulary.

Born in 1979, Sophie Marion grew up in the suburb of Paris where she completed a mastership in History of Art in order to work as a cultural mediator. But she has never stopped growing her passion for drawing.
As a child, influenced by mangas and comic books, she spends her time making up illustrated stories. But the things she’s been through in life made her go to more dark and personal drawings. Freed by Art therapy she decides to follow some evening courses at the « Ateliers des Beaux Arts de la ville de Paris » in order to learn new drawing methods. For a long time she hesitated to express her true artistic nature until an encounter made her discover it. Her instinct and her curiosity drove her to unusual and singular worlds such as Giger, tatoo, street art and gothic world. She also finds her inspiration in the works of Dürer, Bosch, Füssli… All these influences put together brings a phantasmagorical work. She has always prefered to transform reality rather than representing it. By unmasking the appearances, she explores the imperfections of the human being and the contemporary world.

Since two years, she chose to work with a « Bic » pen and lines as a mean of expression. Her sensitive soul invites the audience to dive in a complex and threatening world. It is sometimes difficult to fix your attention on a spot as the lines and all the details are so rich… You need time to find the meaning of the story and to decode this forest of symbols. The black « Bic » pen is like a kind of black bile which spreads on the immaculate sheet of paper. This painful melancholy draws itself under our eyes breaking on its way the tiny hopes of the human soul. But the human kind has got the power to act towards this tragedy. However To Forget is a verb that has always been conjugated throughout the ages.

Born in 1979, Sophie Marion grew up in the suburb of Paris where she completed a mastership in History of Art in order to work as a cultural mediator. But she has never stopped growing her passion for drawing.
As a child, influenced by mangas and comic books, she spends her time making up illustrated stories. But the things she’s been through in life made her go to more dark and personal drawings. Freed by Art therapy she decides to follow some evening courses at the « Ateliers des Beaux Arts de la ville de Paris » in order to learn new drawing methods. For a long time she hesitated to express her true artistic nature until an encounter made her discover it. Her instinct and her curiosity drove her to unusual and singular worlds such as Giger, tatoo, street art and gothic world. She also finds her inspiration in the works of Dürer, Bosch, Füssli… All these influences put together brings a phantasmagorical work. She has always prefered to transform reality rather than representing it. By unmasking the appearances, she explores the imperfections of the human being and the contemporary world.

Since two years, she chose to work with a « Bic » pen and lines as a mean of expression. Her sensitive soul invites the audience to dive in a complex and threatening world. It is sometimes difficult to fix your attention on a spot as the lines and all the details are so rich… You need time to find the meaning of the story and to decode this forest of symbols. The black « Bic » pen is like a kind of black bile which spreads on the immaculate sheet of paper. This painful melancholy draws itself under our eyes breaking on its way the tiny hopes of the human soul. But the human kind has got the power to act towards this tragedy. However To Forget is a verb that has always been conjugated throughout the ages.